Dynamics, Nanoscopy & Chemometrics (DyNaChem)

Research & SKILLS

Members of the team « Dynamics, Nanoscopy and Chemometrics » are interested in micro- and nano-imaging of photoactive bio-systems, particularly the study of the photochemistry & photodynamics of molecules, proteins and emissive organic and hybrid nanoparticles for super-resolution fluorescence biological imaging. Our speciality is hyperspectral & super-resolved nanometer-scale imaging of ultrafast processes, and the development of new instrumentation and methodologies for the analysis of these hyperspectral super-resolved data. Our goal is to build detailed photochemical and photophysical models of new and commercial photo-active systems to optimize their use and the development of new bio-materials.

  • Keywords
    Photochemistry, Photochromism, Time-resolved spectroscopy, Fluorescence, Imaging, Single molecule, Polarisation
    Chemometrics, Data analysis, Image analysis, Hyperspectral, Spectral unmixing, Super-resolution, Deconvolution
    Upconversion Nanoparticles, Organic & hybrid luminescent Nanoparticles, Photo-active proteins
  • Techniques & Methods
    Upconversion luminescence, Single photon timing, Femtosecond transient absorption, Nanosecond flash photolysis

SELECTED Publications (2018-2023)

  • Per-pixel unmixing of spectrally overlapping fluorophores using intra-exposure excitation modulation. Talanta, 2023, DOI
  • Assessment of Essential Information in the Fourier Domain to Accelerate Raman Hyperspectral Microimaging, Anal. Chem. 2023, DOI
  • Heterogeneous Oxysulfide@Fluoride Core/Shell Nanocrystals for Upconversion-Based Nanothermometry, ACS Nano, 2022, DOI
  • Structural Information about the trans-to-cis Isomerization Mechanism of the Photoswitchable Fluorescent Protein rsEGFP2 Revealed by Multiscale Infrared Transient Absorption, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. , 2022, DOI
  • Multivariate Curve Resolution Slicing of Multiexponential Time-Resolved Spectroscopy Fluorescence Data, Anal. Chem., 2021, DOI
  • Photoactive Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials with Nanosegregated Donor-Acceptor Arrays., Angew. Chem. Int., 2021, DOI
  • Photoswitching mechanism of a fluorescent protein revealed by time-resolved crystallography and transient absorption spectroscopy, Nat Commun, 2020, DOI
  • Fast Analysis, Processing and Modeling of Hyperspectral Videos: Challenges and Possible Solutions, book on Comprehensive Chemometrics, 2020, DOI
  • Essential Spectral Pixels for Multivariate Curve Resolution of Chemical Images, Anal. Chem., 2019, DOI
  • Photochemical multivariate curve resolution models for the investigation of photochromic systems under continuous irradiation, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2019, DOI
  • A Perspective on Data Processing in Super-resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging, J. Anal. Test., 2018, DOI
  • Chromophore twisting in the excited state of a photoswitchable fluorescent protein captured by time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography, Nat. Chem., 2018, DOI

OnGOING Projects

  • DEEPSEE project (International Chair, KULeuven ISITE ULNE): High performance 3D bioimaging
  • KAKENHI – Promotion of Joint International Research, MEXT (DyNaChem team – Pr. Syoji Ito Osaka Univ.) “Super-resolved nanometer-scale imaging of energy transfer in organic solids using upconversion nanoparticles as nanometric excitation sources”
  • ANR PRC Imagin, Active molecular imaging and unmixing, ANR-21-CE29-0007
  • ANR PRC UltrArchae, Ultrafast structural dynamics of Archaerhodopsin–3 in its fluorescent state
  • ANR PRC MESOMORPHICS, Mesomorph POM-based hybrids materials for photonics, ANR-20-CE06-0021
  • ANR PRC DynOCP, Time resolved insights into the photo-activation mechanism of OCP by combined ultrafast optical spectroscopy and serial femtosecond crystallography, ANR-18-CE11-0005
  • IRP Nanosynergetics2 French-Japan, Photo-active Nanomaterials with Cooperative and Synergetic Responses
  • ANR PRC AISLE,  Advanced Imaging of Strategic Light Elements, ANR-23-CE42-0023
  • ANR  PRC DIAGEM,  Medical Diagnosis by Artificial Intelligence applied to LIBS Elemental Microscopy, ANR-20-CE17-0021
  • ANR PRC HYDRAE,  HYperspectral Detection of contaminants by surface enhanced RAman scattEring , ANR-19-CE34-0010


Aude BOUCHET (Assistant Professor IUT, MCF) 0000-0002-4765-8876
Olivier DEVOS (Assistant Professor Polytech’Lille, MCF) olivier-devos 0000-0002-3354-0420
Ludovic DUPONCHEL (Professor Polytech’Lille) 0000-0002-7206-4498
Cyril RUCKEBUSCH (Professor Polytech’Lille) 0000-0001-8120-4133
Michel SLIWA (Director CNRS-Team Leader) 0000-0002-5073-8180
Raffaele VITALE (Assistant Professor Polytech’Lille, MCF) 0000-0002-7497-1673
Peter DEDECKER (Professor KULeuven, associate Professor U. Lille, Deepsee)
Adrian GOMEZ (Assistant Researcher, Deepsee)
Riley HARGREAVES (Assistant Researcher, Deepsee)

Master & Doctoral students:
Alessandra Olarini D3 (co-tutelle, U. Modena)
Cedric Mittelheisser D3 (ENS Paris Saclay)
Nazanin Saburouhvahid D3 (co-tutelle, KULeuven)
Daniele Tanzili D3 (co-tutelle, U. Modena)
Adrian Venegas Reynoso D3 (co-tutelle)
Yesid Roman Gomez D1 (U. Lille)
Ruggero Guerrini D2 (U. Lille)
Elisa Fong (M2, U. Lille)
Mohamed Cheikh (M2, OPEX)
Luke Tsukamoto (M2, IRACM)